“Gala Faptelor Bune” organized by E.ON Romania and Delgaz Grid celebrated volunteers and partners in the energy sector

E.ON Romania and Delgaz Grid organized the second edition of the “Gala Faptelor Bune”, an event that celebrated volunteers and partners who dedicate their time and energy to making a difference in communities in Romania.
During the gala, The Diplomat-Bucharest was awarded for its support in promoting good deeds and for information efforts in the energy sector.
“Volunteers from E.ON companies are proof that empathy and inner energy can change communities. Through their involvement, they provided support where it was needed most – in schools, in vulnerable communities, in people’s homes. They are the ones who build trust and hope. That is why, with great joy, we also wanted to offer public recognition for their efforts at the “Gala Faptelor Bune”, an event that brought to the stage the people, friends and partners who helped us transform ideas into actions and plans into concrete deeds. I thank them for always being by our side. And, equally, my thanks go to the hundreds of E.ON volunteers who prove every day that good energy can change lives”, said Volker Raffel, CEO E.ON Romania.
“Gala Faptelor Bune is a special event dedicated to those who bring positive changes to their fellow human beings. An event about the energy and passion of those who choose to give their time, meaning thousands of volunteer hours, ideas and resources to create a real impact. Around 1,500 Delgaz Grid and E.ON volunteers donated over 6,000 hours of their time last year to make a real difference in communities. From educational projects and social actions to supporting the most vulnerable, every hour contributed to making the world a little better. We thank our partners who have already become friends, who have always been by our side. We also greatly appreciate the support of media partners and journalists who made the good stories visible and carried them forward”, said Cristian Secoșan, General Manager, Delgaz Grid.
Regarding E.ON’s involvement in CSR actions and campaigns, there are 4 priority areas of intervention: health and safety, care for the environment, education, access to energy, community.
Health and Safety:
- Partnership with IGSU and DSU. The safety of customers and employees alike – are essential for an energy company. For more than 12 years, there has been a partnership between E.ON, DEGR, IGSU and DSU – the only partnership of its kind, precisely to put safety first. A series of safety campaigns have been carried out on radio and TV, campaigns that aimed to educate customers to use energy sources safely. Last spring, DSU and IGSU structures in the country, together with the E.ON Romania group, carried out the national campaign “Detector pentru viață”. This aimed to make people aware of the importance of installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors – which often end up making the difference between life and death. Messages were broadcast on TV, radio and online. In addition, also with the help of IGSU, 10,000 such detectors were donated and installed to vulnerable families or in risk situations.
- Partnership with SMURD. Every year, with the help of SMURD, E.ON organizes first aid courses for employees of companies within the E.ON Romania group. Last year alone, over 800 colleagues participated in such training courses.
- Lessons about energy and safety. Since 2009, E.ON started the project Lessons about Energy in Schools, through which, with the help of its volunteers, it reached thousands of students annually. During these lessons, they talk to students about how to be safe around energy sources, but also what green energy means, renewable energy sources, or how to make their energy consumption more efficient. In 2024, 83 volunteers got involved in this project, donated 232 volunteer hours and reached over 5,000 beneficiary children.
- Childhood Parks. A project through which they arrange playgrounds and relaxation parks in schools and kindergartens. Since 2007, we have arranged 12 such parks. In 2024, they reached two schools for children with special educational needs with the project: the “Primăvara” Inclusive Education School Center in Reșița and the “Samus” Special Vocational School in Cluj-Napoca.
Access to energy
- The Give Light Campaign. Since 2015, they have been running the Give Light campaign, a campaign through which they donated 6,850,000 kWh of energy to beneficiary institutions. The year 2024 also marked the record in terms of kWh donated, in the 4 editions carried out: the Spring Campaign, then the special edition at Electric Castle, the edition carried out through the Myline application and the December edition, of which I was an ambassador. In total, 2,600,000 kWh donated in 2024.
- The partnership with the Zi de Bine Association. Starting with 2021, they are with the Zi de Bine Association, supporting a project in the community every month. They have already been involved in 42 such projects, with tens of thousands of beneficiaries.
- #TogetherWeMakeADifference. They support the involvement of colleagues in volunteering actions and in the communities, they are part of. In the last two years alone, over 2,500 colleagues have gotten involved and donated more than 5,000 volunteer hours.
- Blood donation campaigns. They annually run blood donation campaigns at the main headquarters in Târgu-Mureș. Last year, over 130 colleagues donated to the autumn campaign, and several dozen others donated directly to transfusion centers.
- Emotional and mental health. As part of the partnership with the Psychology Page, they organize monthly meetings with psychologists and psychotherapists, addressing topics of interest to colleagues.
Environmental care
- Energy in early childhood schools. Through this project, they annually change the lighting system in schools with a new one, based on LED technology, much more efficient in terms of energy consumption, but also the closest to natural light. In 2024, the entire lighting system was changed in 3 schools: Petru Rareș High School in Târgu Lăpuș, Horea High School in Marghita and Middle School 10 in Târgu-Mureș. From 2015 to the present, they have reached 86 educational institutions, 54,500 beneficiaries, 41,300 lighting fixtures and 96,000 LED tubes with this project.
- Planting campaigns. Over 210,000 seedlings planted, 36 ha afforested and around 460 volunteers involved – and that’s just in the last few years. In the last two years, they have planted 1 tree for every 10 kWh charged at E.ON Drive stations. In 2024, they planted over 58,000 seedlings.