Econergy and RGreen Invest inagurate new PV park with solar tracker technology in Brasov County

The Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association (RPIA) organized the second edition of Solar Open Day, a landmark event dedicated to the promotion of solar energy and sustainable production methods. This edition took place in Părău, Brașov County, where the photovoltaic park owned by Econergy and the French investment company RGreen Invest was inaugurated.
Andrei Manea, RPIA Executive Director, said: “This new edition of Solar Open Day brings us together in a new location, in Parau, Brașov County, a sign that photovoltaic energy has no barriers. The first edition of Solar Open Day took place in Rătești, in Argeș County, at the largest park in Southeast Europe, and now we are close to the mountain. The Parau solar park is the largest park with trackers in Romania, a mechanism that allows the panels to change their position depending on the sun. If favourable conditions are created for us from a legislative point of view, we can build photovoltaic parks. Photovoltaic energy is the technology with the fastest deployment, which can advance the fastest from the project stage to the moment of injection into the grid.”
The photovoltaic park in Parau, located in Brașov County, is co-owned by Econergy and the French renewable energy investment fund RGreen. With an area of 113 hectares and a total cost of 65.5 million euros, the project generates electricity to power approximately 70,000 homes per year. With a total installed capacity of 92MW, Părău is currently the largest photovoltaic park in Romania equipped with trackers.
Econergy is an independent power producer (IPP) operating in six key markets: Romania, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Poland and Greece. The development project consists of 8.2 GW of wind and solar PV in various stages of development and 7.6 GWh of storage. The company operates across the entire energy value chain, from development to construction and operation, specializing in utility-scale renewable energy projects.