Distributie Energie Electrică Romania: Baia Mare branch made investments of over 40 million RON in 2023

Distributie Energie Electrică Romania (DEER), through the Baia Mare Branch, has invested over 40 million RON in the modernization and development of the electricity distribution system in 2023.
The main directions aimed at ensuring an optimal voltage level, improving the quality of distributed electricity, reducing the number of disturbances, reducing losses in the network and reducing maintenance costs.
One of the most important investments for the further development of the network infrastructure in Maramureș County is the construction of the 110/20 kV Leordina Transformer Station.
Through the implementation of this project, the value of which is 28 million RON, of which 22.6 million RON represent non-refundable funds, approximately 55,000 users, from 15 localities located in the Valea Vișeului and Valea Izei areas – Maramureș county, will benefit from a distribution service of electricity to high standards of safety, permanence and continuity.
This investment allows the renewable energy produced in both existing and new plants to be taken over more efficiently. Also, the energy efficiency of the installations will be improved, by reducing the own technological consumption in the existing networks and will facilitate the connection of new consumers, both households and SMEs.
Modernization, development and digitization of the distribution network represent the strategic objectives of the company. The investments made in recent years have led to the improvement of the main quality indicators of the electricity distribution service, with users benefiting from continuity and permanence in the supply of electricity, by reducing voltage fluctuations and the number of interruptions, as well as ensuring the ability to connect to network of all users.