BVB and EBRD to review Romanian market corporate governance code

The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will work together to review the Romanian market’s corporate governance code, aligning it with recent regulatory changes and updated global standards.
This joint initiative is designed to help listed companies improve their governance and reporting quality, by aligning with EU regulatory changes affecting governance structures, the latest G20/OECD Corporate Governance Principles and best practice in the field. The updated code is expected to provide guidance on emerging issues in governance and reflect the evolving priorities of stakeholders and enhancing their corporate resilience in a rapidly changing world.
The revised version of the Code is meant to be released by the end of 2024, so the first year of reporting compliance with the new Code is 2026 for the financial year 2025. The process of reviewing the Code will consider the input and insights of all market participants.
“Corporate governance is paramount for investors, who rely on robust governance frameworks to assess the integrity and performance of companies, make informed investment decisions and allocate capital efficiently. By promoting disclosure, oversight, and shareholder rights, effective governance enhances investor confidence, lowers the cost of capital, and reduces agency conflicts,” said Victoria Zinchuk, EBRD Head of Romania.
“These updates are not only about compliance, but also about common sense, about aligning governance practices with evolving regulatory frameworks, industry standards, and societal expectations. By applying the good governance principles, companies can enhance transparency, accountability, and risk management, fostering investor trust and safeguarding long-term sustainability,” said Radu Hanga, Chairman of the BVB Board.
Adrian Tanase, BVB CEO added: “Strong governance signals management’s commitment to long-term value creation, including sustainability, aligning shareholder interests with corporate objectives and fostering sustainable shareholder returns. This underscores the crucial role of the Code in the investment landscape, making it a key area of interest for investors.”
The EBRD and BVB are supported in the project by representatives of renowned institutions from the international governance landscape and from the Romanian private and public sector: the General Secretariat of the Romanian Government, the Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Performance of Public Enterprises, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Romanian Investor Relations Association, the promoter of investor relations concept in Romania, and the Envisia Boards of Elite, the business school for board members and C-level executives, actively promoting responsible corporate governance practices.