February 2006
US air bases due as controversy over illegal CIA detention facilities continues

     While small operational US Army bases in the east of Romania counties will be active probably, in Summer 2007, investigations by human rights watchdog the Council of Europe continue into alleged CIA detention facilities in the eastern Europe neighbourhood.

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Exhausted country favours culture through TV screen

     Reading is not a favoured pastime for Romanians, while television and home PC use continue on an upswing, according to a survey commissioned by the Ministry of Culture.
     However nearly one third of Romanians said, if they had more spare time, they would like to spend it resting – evidece this nation is exhausted.

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Climate and culture boost local quality of life

     Romania is as good a place to live as the Bahamas, according to a new quality of life survey from ‘International Living’ magazine.
     From research into all 194 official countries in the world, Romania occupies 47th position, placing it next to Slovakia, Chile and the Caribbean nation.

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