Nuclearelectrica traded electricity worth EUR 15 million on OPCOM
State-owned company Nuclearelectrica submitted for sale on the energy trading body OPCOM power worth 66 million lei, respectively EUR 14.8 million, the company announced. The amount of energy estimated to be sold on the OPCOM is of 400.000 MWh.
2014-04-28 20:32:44
Nuclearelectrica expects EUR 407.6 million worth revenues this year, 20.8 per cent less compared to RON 2.3 billion achieved in 2013, according to the income and expenditure report for 2014 that will be subject to approval of the shareholders of the meeting (AGA) scheduled for March 11.
Nuclearelectrica release states that "expenditures were made under austerity as opposed to the previous year and attaining to the real needs for maintaining long-term operating performance and nuclear safety, which is designed taking into account the expected evolution of negative revenue to be obtained in 2014 compared with the previous year."
Also, the electricity producer estimates a higher spending by 1.7 per cent from RON 1.75 billion to 1RON .78 billion.
Nuclearelectrica says it will produce 10.54 TWh of this year, whose sale will amount to RON 1.62 billion lei. The company is obliged, this year, by the Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE), to deliver to population 3.74 TWh of energy, equivalent of 35.49 per cent of production. The price at which ANRE obliges Nuclearelectrica to sell energy in the fixed price market, of RON 145.88 / per MWh, determined Nuclearelectrica to file a suit against ANRE.
The company covers approximately 18 percent of Romanian annual electricity needs and it is controlled by the state through the Department of Energy.
The two units of nuclear power plant at Cernavoda produced energy worth over 11.6 million MWh in 2013, of which 10.6 has been distributed in the national energy system of Transelectrica, according to data published by Nuclearelectrica.